

Zenn’s Photo specializes in photography, videos, 360° virtual tours, and augmented reality. For over 14 years, we have been providing our services to hotels, restaurants, and tourism offices that want to stand out from the crowd.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority, which is why we work closely with them during the development of projects. This way, we can perfectly meet your requirements, needs, and desires.

We focus on cutting-edge technologies with the aim of delivering projects with a high level of user-friendliness. That’s why our team consists of several highly professional specialists in the fields of photography, IT, and web technology.

On our website you will find the latest photos, videos and 360° virtual tours. Take a look and enjoy.

Our projects have already convinced and inspired many hoteliers and marketing experts in the tourism sector and various online services. We hope that you have been impressed by these insights into our work and look forward to working with you.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us at any time.


Today’s technology allows a professional photography team, like ours, to create incredibly realistic representations of a company through all areas of photography. Exterior, interior, aerial, and lifestyle shots are crucial elements for a high-quality presentation of any business.

Hotels & Villas

A successful image speaks volumes. Representative interior, exterior, aerial, and lifestyle shots showcase the company at its best.

Interior and exterior images are captured with professional cameras, lenses, techniques, and lighting. Additionally, exterior shots are taken with a drone from the air, depending on the on-site situation. This allows the object to be authentically presented in its environment. Furthermore, it gives the viewer a clear idea of the geographical location of the object and distances (e.g., to the city center, beach, attractions, etc.).

Lifestyle Photography

The goal is to evoke positive emotions in the viewer by portraying scenes with a romantic and emotional atmosphere.

These are very time-consuming interior, exterior, and lifestyle photographs, both in capturing and editing. This area involves significant equipment, professional lighting, models, and makeup artists. The final result is achieved through a combination of different lighting times, shots, photography techniques, and image editing.

Highly Complex Photography

The aim is to evoke positive emotions in the viewer by portraying scenes with a romantic and emotional atmosphere.

These are very time-consuming interior, exterior, and lifestyle photographs, both in capturing and editing. This area involves significant equipment and professional lighting. The final result is achieved through a combination of different lighting times, shots, photography techniques, and image editing.

Standard Photography

Realistic ambiance is portrayed in interior and exterior images. The viewer thus finds the ambiance exactly as seen on the website.

Images are captured with professional cameras, lenses, techniques, and lighting.

Exterior shots are taken with a drone from the air, depending on the on-site situation. This allows the object to be authentically presented in its environment. Furthermore, it gives the viewer a clear idea of the geographical location of the object and distances (e.g., to the city center, beach, attractions, etc.).


Lifestyle photography aims to capture and express a specific way of life. The scenes presented to the viewer are carefully thought out to trigger positive emotions.

These are very time-consuming photographs, both in capturing and editing. This area involves significant equipment, professional lighting, models, and makeup artists. The final result is achieved through a combination of different lighting times, shots, photography techniques, and image editing.

Gastro & Food

This area focuses on restaurants, event spaces, and, of course, their culinary offerings.

These images aim not only to showcase the spaces in the best light but also to skillfully highlight individual food items, menus, or cooking situations.

Professional food photography is based on close collaboration between the photographer and the chef or food stylist.

These are very time-consuming images, both in capturing and editing. This area involves significant equipment and professional lighting. The final result is achieved through a combination of different lighting times, shots, photography techniques, and image editing.


Showcase your camping area in its sunny, friendly, and romantic aspect.

Interior and exterior images are captured with professional cameras, lenses, techniques, and lighting. Additionally, exterior shots are taken with a drone from the air, depending on the on-site situation. This allows the object to be authentically presented in its environment. Furthermore, it gives the viewer a clear idea of the geographical location of the object and distances (e.g., to the city center, beach, attractions, etc.).

Lifestyle Photography aims to capture and express a specific way of life. The scenes presented to the viewer are carefully thought out to trigger positive emotions.

These are very time-consuming photographs, both in capturing and editing. This area involves significant equipment, professional lighting, models, and makeup artists. The final result is achieved through a combination of different lighting times, shots, photography techniques, and image editing.


A video captures visual and emotional impressions excellently. This can trigger positive emotions in the viewer very deliberately.

The scenario is discussed directly on-site with the client. If lifestyle shots are desired in addition to interior and exterior shots, we can organize suitable models as needed.

The production of lifestyle shots is very time-consuming, both in shooting and editing. This area requires significant equipment, professional lighting, models, and makeup artists.

Our team has extensive experience and thus offers high-quality visual representations. The final edits and post-productions (editing, image processing, integration of effects, graphics, and sound) are carried out by a highly experienced and creative IT team.


The virtual tour is a very efficient and powerful marketing tool. When optimally positioned on the website, bookings increase, and the website’s ranking is improved.

Hotels & Villas

Do you want to offer visitors to your website deeper insights than photos alone can provide? Then a virtual tour is the perfect solution.

With a virtual tour, combining ground panoramas and an aerial panorama, users are enabled to actively move through the rooms or in the air. In comparison to photography and video, which are essentially passive, a virtual tour allows interaction with the spaces or the aerial view. In this way, rooms and the environment can be experienced, explored, and discovered. This is intended to make the viewer curious and eager for more, thus encouraging a personal visit.

Users can navigate through the panoramas either via a customized menu tailored to the client’s web design or via mouse.

Cities from Above

Present your city or region with all its important sights from a unique perspective, namely from the air. With a virtual tour consisting of aerial panoramas, you can give interested visitors a first impression in advance.

In this area, the panoramas consist of high-resolution drone shots. After sophisticated editing, the shots transform into high-quality 360° aerial panoramas. Users can navigate through the panoramas either via a customized menu tailored to the client’s web design or via mouse.

We found that after the release of our first project, the aerial panoramas were very popular with website visitors and were therefore visited or clicked on accordingly.

Camping, Sports & Fun

On a campground or in a sports stadium, it’s easy to get lost. With a virtual tour, visitors are not only shown everything available but also provided with a miniaturized orientation guide.

With a virtual tour, combining ground panoramas and an aerial panorama, users are enabled to actively move through the rooms or in the air. In comparison to photography and video, which are essentially passive, a virtual tour allows interaction with the spaces or the aerial view. In this way, rooms and the environment can be experienced, explored, and discovered. This is intended to make the viewer curious and eager for more, thus encouraging a personal visit.

Users can navigate through the panoramas either via a customized menu tailored to the client’s web design or via mouse.


Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself in the world of ancient Rome? Take a photo of yourself with a Roman soldier or stroll through the villa of a wealthy Roman. Experience history up close and as realistically as if you were right there.

With 3D and Augmented Reality, you can create unforgettable experiences for visitors to your city and its attractions or your museum. Figures, objects, boats, buildings, and much more seamlessly blend with the real world and come to life.

No mobile or web applications (apps) are required; simply scan a QR code with your phone and dive into the world of history.


What would we do without Google today? Many people frequently navigate the viral and social media world.

By uploading 360° panoramas and images to Google platforms, you can quickly be found and seen. This automatically leads to an increase in search engine visibility and website ranking. We are Google certified and therefore the best partner for you in this area.